Wednesday, April 8, 2009


we expect too much
we dream to far
we hope for the greatest
we think we live in fairytale..

we want more
we look for more
we always presume
that grass is greener
on the other side of the hill

we forget to appreciate what we have
we forget to say thanks
we even forget to smile other taht always be there for us
..for those who love and cherish us
regardsless who we are
and what we did

we didn't saw what was there for us
till the day
it went away
and never come back
its is the day that we realize
we have lost a diamond
because we are too busy collecting stones


  1. Salam,

    nukilan sendiri ke?
    menarik. n like to read your blog also.

  2. x laa, terbaca hari tu n nmpk menarik jaa, jadi rasa elok untuk dikongsi bersama...cuba jugak untuk mengarang tp blm sampai tahap tu...:-)
